Wrong Fit

HMU | photo by Jennifer Lloyd @mrsjenniferelloyd_artistry

HMU | photo by Jennifer Lloyd @mrsjenniferelloyd_artistry

They let go of me. I guess you can say, I got fired.  

I took the elevator down a tall building which overlooked the beautiful city view of Seattle. It was my second day on the job at a prestigious company downtown. As a fresh student out of college, I teared up, exiting the building, realizing what just happened.

As I stood waiting for the bus to arrive, I played their words, you are not the right fit for us. Whatever that meant. As I wiped my face, I told myself, they have no idea what they just lost.

This was the best thing that ever happened to me. Many times, in life, people will not see the value you carry. You will be overlooked and underestimated. You will be too young or inexperienced for some. For others, you will be too much. I have learned, I can barely sit still, let alone be put into some space or bubble. We are the creative minds who come together for the good of this world. Consider your options limitless.

As one with an entrepreneur mindset, I like to bring ideas to life, gather people and do something no one has yet done. In the environment I grew up in, I was often told to tame it down a notch. You are a girl, they said. Your job is to get married and have babies.

If I ever took those words seriously, there would be no coaching business, mentorship program, blog or YouTube channel. If I ever listened to the opinion of others, I would be stuck in a cycle of living out someone else’s idea of life.

How do you envision your future? Do you have a dream which scares you? Is dreaming about your future even a thing today?

I cannot tell you how often I was told in my face – you will not make it. Why even try? No one will listen to a girl from a small town. The list of people’s opinions goes on and on.

It takes resilience, a heart of courage and determination to rise above. You are destined to do something no one has ever done. You are born to discover the potential within and bring it to life. You are capable of anything you put your mind to. Every good and bad thing which happened to you prepared you for this moment. You must launch off and believe in the impossible.

On May 6, 1954, Roger Bannister did the impossible. He broke the 4-minute mile. Humanity said it was physically impossible. Since then, 1,497 people have broken this myth as well.

Maybe someone says it is impossible, but I know, whatever you put your mind, is possible.

You may be the first in your circle to make record, but it all starts with simply believing you can.

I am here to believe with you, champion you on your journey and together discover the great potential inside of you.

You are born to do great things. Never underestimate your ability.

Your coach,



Queen-Conscious Woman


Energy. It’s a thing.